Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I am not a fan of this sort of thing. I see how for some people it might work well to help to organize and review thoughts but it is not my style. I have tried to use this sort of thing in the past and it really just becomes a task for me that I have to do. I feel that same about learning journals set up as wikis. I appreciate the opportunity to try different technology, but so far, these don't work for me as a study tool. If I had information that I wanted to share, a blog would be great, but as it stands I am not impressed. I understand that some people find them incredibly helpful so I guess it is good for people to find that out.

1 comment:

  1. I concur on the blog sites. While it would help a class bond in the classroom and they can share information they find important, it can also be a distraction. One more object that can pull a student away from the main topic of learning.
